Mesa Redonda de Negocios: Encuentro en la Embajada de Emiratos Árabes.
Tuvimos el honor de participar en una mesa de trabajo organizada por la Cámara de Dubai en la Embajada de Emiratos Árabes Unidos, en el marco de la visita a Buenos Aires del Sr. Salen AlShamsi - VP Global Markets, Mr. Mohammad Alkassim - Director Regional America y Europa, y Mr. Cosmin Cristal - Investment Manager.
WeAdvise y Harrington Blue &Partners representaron a Link Vaca Muerta 🌐 construyendo Puentes para el Futuro 🌍. Este desayuno reunió a líderes empresariales de la región con el objetivo de explorar oportunidades para expandir e internacionalizar negocios en Dubai y su región.
Estamos emocionados por el futuro que se avecina y comprometidos a seguir explorando y generando oportunidades que impulsen el éxito global.
🌐 Business Round Table: Embassy Meeting with the United Arab Emirates 🌍
We had the honor of participating in a working session organized by the Dubai Chamber at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, during the visit to Buenos Aires by Mr. Salen AlShamsi - VP Global Markets, Mr. Mohammad Alkassim - Regional Director for America and Europe, and Mr. Cosmin Cristal - Investment Manager.
This breakfast brought together business leaders from the region with the aim of exploring opportunities to expand and internationalize businesses in Dubai and its surrounding areas.
At We Advise, in partnership with H&B Partners and representing Link Vaca Muerta, we take pride in building bridges to take our business to the next level. We are committed to laying out global opportunities from a region that pushes boundaries and instills confidence.
🌐 Strategic Collaboration: Building Bridges for the Future 🌍
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#linkvacamuerta 🌐
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